Feeding wood – Oil based products

Inspired by Nature
Oil based products of Bormawachs have been studied and developed following the biomimetics rules, with the goal to regenerate and recreate the natural wood resinous component: so called Lignin. The three cells in their living process produce lignin, which is structurally bond to the cellulose fibers.
This way, Nature bears a composite material, which links/connects the strength-resistance and rigidity of cellulose properties, with the hydrophobic and plasticity ones of Lignin.
From this process, wood is obtained. The most known enemies of the wood, heatand sun, degrade the lignin and consume one of its basic and fundamental components.
Bormawachs Oils are, in fact, solvent-free mixtures with a significant content of100% active substance, and are conveniently modified and formulated to deeply soak and restore the original lignin. Born to feed wood.

Borma SAUNA OIL is a blend of oils suitable for the treatment of the benches in steam rooms, as well as steam room walls and floor, made of raw wood.

Restoring oil is a special product for the maintenance and the restoration of furniture. Its precious extenders, nourishes and regenerates old wood, covering scratches and abrasions.