CHEF D’OEUVRE – Conservative restoration

The purpose of a chestnut husk is protecting the inside from external agents for a certain amount of time. Afterwards, the husk begins to progressively unfold itself. A chestnut, with a half-opened husk, falls down, makes contact with the ground, thus spreading its seeds and completing their process of ripening, without withstanding any “mechanical” damage, safe from the attacks of insects, fungi, animals and bacteria.
There is a parallelism among the chestnut husk and some art masterpieces. In its early stages a work of art could be considered “thorny” and very difficult to understand, but at a later stage other people are able to appreciate it. The artist’s concept reaches its peak and emerges. Ideas need a protective husk in their initial stage to grow; similarly, ideas need people to be conceived and come to fruition.
Borma Wachs is a reliable partner for the protection of Chef d’Oeuvre and offers a full range of products for the restoration and conservation of objects in their own physical structure and aesthetic appearance as objects. Consolidation, cleansing, reconstructions and protection can be performed at the highest convenience, care and effectiveness, respecting environment, safety and traditions, thanks to some dedicated formulations combining experience and research.
Shellac Flakes
Suitable for the preparation of specific hand applied polish or to complement finishing operations on restoration work. The various types available are: – Naturally waxed: ABTN, LE lemon – De-waxed: NE Black Garnet, AR Orange, RU Ruby Red, TR Transparent. They allow to obtain, without the addition of chemical dyes, original and different chromatic shades.
Fixing Lacquer
Natural, transparent varnish fixative for gilding. Indoor use.