Festina lente… Hurry slowly

Festina Lente is the Latin translation of an ancient Greek motto: σπεύδε βραδέως. The motto was adopted in the course of history by important figures including the Roman Emperors Augusto and Tito (it even had his depiction on coins with a crab holding a spreading wings butterfly or a dolphin twisted to an anchor), Cosimo I de’ Medici, who in the sixteenth century made a turtle with a sail the emblem of his fleet, Aldo Manuzio, publisher and typographer active in Venice and writer Francesco Colonna, in the novel Hipnerotomachia Poliphili printed in 1499 reported more than eighty variants of the motto.
The motto is an oxymoron, a phrase that combines two opposites concepts, speed and slowness, quickness and prudence, dynamic and static. A proper balance leads to fast action at the right time, it is to act promptly with precision. Festina Lente is the attitude to achieve effectively the target in the most efficient way, peculiarity of mature man. It consists of quickly putting into practice what has been carefully studied over time. Hurry slowly.
Festina Lente is the expert and correct movement of the hands of skilled craftsmen. They can simultaneously combine in the action the rapidity of working zeal with the slowness of diligent precision. The energy of youth with the wisdom of the old sage, a slow and sure path towards perfection driven and animated by a spiritual lightness.
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